Fuji film stocks reviewed - The Darkroom Photo Lab https://thedarkroom.com/film-brand/fujifilm/ For over 45 years, The Darkroom Photo Lab has specialized in quality film developing Fri, 05 Mar 2021 19:20:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.2 https://thedarkroom.com/app/uploads/2020/07/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Fuji film stocks reviewed - The Darkroom Photo Lab https://thedarkroom.com/film-brand/fujifilm/ 32 32 Acros II https://thedarkroom.com/film/acros-ii/ Mon, 27 Jul 2020 17:24:28 +0000 https://thedarkroom.com/?post_type=film&p=1548143 The post Acros II appeared first on The Darkroom Photo Lab.


The post Acros II appeared first on The Darkroom Photo Lab.

FujiColor 100 https://thedarkroom.com/film/fujicolor-100/ Mon, 27 Jan 2020 22:05:40 +0000 https://thedarkroom.com/?post_type=film&p=1419179 This fine grain 100iso film is ideal for outdoor photography.  While it’s mainly sold in Japan only, you can on occasion find it for sale here in the states.  Compared to FujiFilm c200 and Superia X-TRA 400, FujiColor 100 has less saturated reds which seems to do better with skin tones.  It has mild contrast […]

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This fine grain 100iso film is ideal for outdoor photography.  While it’s mainly sold in Japan only, you can on occasion find it for sale here in the states.  Compared to FujiFilm c200 and Superia X-TRA 400, FujiColor 100 has less saturated reds which seems to do better with skin tones.  It has mild contrast and very good exposure latitude.

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Superia Premium 400 https://thedarkroom.com/film/superia-premium/ Mon, 06 Jan 2020 22:14:49 +0000 https://thedarkroom.com/?post_type=film&p=1419173 This film is the premium version of Fujifilm Superia. This film is mainly sold Japan but on occasion you can find it for sale ion the states.. It provides rich bright color, sharp detail, and smooth and natural skin tones in a whole variety of lighting and photographic situations. It also looks better under artificial […]

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This film is the premium version of Fujifilm Superia. This film is mainly sold Japan but on occasion you can find it for sale ion the states.. It provides rich bright color, sharp detail, and smooth and natural skin tones in a whole variety of lighting and photographic situations. It also looks better under artificial light than its ‘normal’ Superia cousin – thanks to more advanced color balance.




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Provia 100f https://thedarkroom.com/film/provia-100f/ Mon, 01 Jul 2019 22:58:16 +0000 https://thedarkroom.com/?post_type=film&p=1111353 Of the three FujiFilm slide films, Provia 100f is by far the most versatile.  For being slide film it has decent exposure latitude, medium saturation and contrast.  It’s our favorite portrait slide film because it does well with skin tones, not making them go to red, especially the n shooting in even light.  Pay close […]

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Of the three FujiFilm slide films, Provia 100f is by far the most versatile.  For being slide film it has decent exposure latitude, medium saturation and contrast.  It’s our favorite portrait slide film because it does well with skin tones, not making them go to red, especially the n shooting in even light.  Pay close attention to your exposure when shooting this film since all slide film doesn’t have high exposure latitude, meaning it doesn’t do to well with over exposure.

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Velvia 50 https://thedarkroom.com/film/velvia-50/ Mon, 01 Jul 2019 22:56:53 +0000 https://thedarkroom.com/?post_type=film&p=1111351 This film has amazing color, super fine grain, and much better tonal transitions and exposure latitude than Velvia 100 which means to does better in contrasty light. When exposed properly is captures very true to life color.  Slide film in general has much less exposure latitude compared to color negative film so you need to pay […]

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This film has amazing color, super fine grain, and much better tonal transitions and exposure latitude than Velvia 100 which means to does better in contrasty light. When exposed properly is captures very true to life color.  Slide film in general has much less exposure latitude compared to color negative film so you need to pay close attention when metering. 

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FujiColor 200 https://thedarkroom.com/film/fujicolor-200/ Mon, 01 Jul 2019 22:43:05 +0000 https://thedarkroom.com/?post_type=film&p=1111320 Looking for a great inexpensive color negative film? FujiFilm c200 is has amazing color, relatively fine grain, great exposure latitude and you can pick up a 36 exposure roll for around $4!  It’s a great all around film for everyday shooting.  We highly recommend it for point-n-shoot film cameras. 

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Looking for a great inexpensive color negative film? FujiFilm c200 is has amazing color, relatively fine grain, great exposure latitude and you can pick up a 36 exposure roll for around $4!  It’s a great all around film for everyday shooting.  We highly recommend it for point-n-shoot film cameras. 

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Superia X-TRA 400 https://thedarkroom.com/film/superia-x-tra-400/ Mon, 01 Jul 2019 22:41:47 +0000 https://thedarkroom.com/?post_type=film&p=1111318 FujiFilm Superia X-TRA 400 is an affordable color negative film.  It has average exposure latitude and has the typical FujiFilm look – cool magenta / greenish tones.  It’s 400 iso makes a versatile film that preforms well in daylight and lowlight.   When exposed well it has very fine grain and medium contrast and saturation.

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FujiFilm Superia X-TRA 400 is an affordable color negative film.  It has average exposure latitude and has the typical FujiFilm look – cool magenta / greenish tones.  It’s 400 iso makes a versatile film that preforms well in daylight and lowlight.   When exposed well it has very fine grain and medium contrast and saturation.

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Pro400H https://thedarkroom.com/film/pro400h/ Mon, 01 Jul 2019 22:40:31 +0000 https://thedarkroom.com/?post_type=film&p=1111316 When it comes to color negative film, Pro400H, has the best exposure latitude meaning that it can be over exposed often up 3 stops without blowing out the highlights.  This film is known for its cooler look with beautiful magenta and green tones.  It’s great for portraiture and one of the most commonly used films […]

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When it comes to color negative film, Pro400H, has the best exposure latitude meaning that it can be over exposed often up 3 stops without blowing out the highlights.  This film is known for its cooler look with beautiful magenta and green tones.  It’s great for portraiture and one of the most commonly used films to photograph weddings.  It has mild contrast, fine grain, and very low satiation.  

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