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Coney Island, NYC (@eriknick5) Erik Nicholson
Coney Island, Brooklyn, NYC. Instagram: @eriknick5 Erik Nicholson
Shot on Contax RX. BTS of a short film set in the 1960s. Austin Trosclair
Shot on Contax RX. BTS of a short film set in the 1960s. Austin Trosclair
Nikon FA — shot @ box speed during sunset.. Instagram: @drewski_wooskie Drew Harry
Nikon FA .. shot @ box speed and accidental light bleed during scanning (this is what happens when y... Drew Harry
Nikon FA.. shot @ box speed during golden hour with no filter. Insta: @drewski_wooskie Drew Harry
Detroit, Michigan Nina Buford
Fur Rendezvous Country Concert, Mamiya MSX 1000 w/55 f1.8, Anchorage Alaska Andrew Karmun
Disco Hour Sam
Shot on Coney Island by Andrew Logan
Spenard Road (Anchorage, Alaska) Andrew Karmun
Shot on a Mamiya MSX 1000 w/ 55mm f1.8 @ f2.8 Anchorage, AK Andrew Karmun
Shot on a Mamiya 645 Gerard O’Malley
Lunde @ Rock n’ Roll Circus 2022 Samuel Powell
starry night – pentax k1000 and cinestill 800t 35mm zw on Flickr
Ari Mei-Dan
Ari Mei-Dan
Ari Mei-Dan
Ari Mei-Dan
Ari Mei-Dan
Ryan Stone
The Mason Jar, Colorado Springs, May 2022. Mamiya 645AFD, ISO 800, no filter, 55mm, f/4.5, 1/4 sec. ... James Fullerton
Cripple Creek Colorado construction. Sep 2022. Mamiya 645AFD, ISO 500, 85B filter, 55mm, f/11, 1/320... James Fullerton
Silver Screen-ready! Wichita Old Cowtown, April 2022. Mamiya 645AFD, ISO 500, 85B filter, 55mm, f/8,... James Fullerton
Shot on an overcast snowy day around noon Patricia
Cole Humble
Cole Humble
Riding Kyra Lieberman
Orders up… Kyra Lieberman
Fun and Games… 800T shot at box speed, no adjustments. Kyra Lieberman
Michael Suraci
Michael Suraci
cinestill800t shot on a canon F-1 ig@ edwinnmedinaa Edwin Medina
cinestill800 shot on a canon F-1 Edwin Medina
World Trade Center NYC Andrew Porter
Bryan Greenberg @bdgstills2
Bryan Greenberg @bdgstills2
Coffeehouse Five Greenwood IN Ashley R
Fountain Square Indianpolis Ashley R
Fountain Square Indianapolis Ashley R
Shot with a warming filter and CPL. James M. Peak
Chinatown, New York City (@thirtyfivejay) Jay Li
New Jersey from across the Hudson (@thirtyfivejay) Jay Li
CineStill 800T 120, shot on my Rolleiflex T in Downtown Sacramento // @kurochatphotography Jonah Freeman (@kurochatphotography)
CineStill 800T 120, shot on my Rolleiflex T in Midtown Sacramento // @kurochatphotography Jonah Freeman (@kurochatphotography)
CineStill 800T 120, shot on my Rolleiflex T in Midtown Sacramento // @kurochatphotography Jonah Freeman (@kurochatphotography)
Nikon F5/50mm 1.4 Charlie (@H0use.0f.Aband0n on Instagram)
Nightlife Panning with my Rollei35T and the versatile 800T… iG: @angel_35mm Angel Rodriguez
shot on olympus om-10 📸@royalsartvisuals Royal Antoine III
Shot on Mamiya 645 @nacho_pht José Ignacio Pincheira
Cinestill 800T on Ricoh GR1s @the_q
Minolta Freedom 100 at night, shot at 400 ISO Miami, FL ANDRE S HERRERA
Minolta Freedom 100 at night, shot at 400 ISO Miami, FL ANDRE S HERRERA
Shot on my Ricoh XR-10 at 400 ISO. ANDRE S HERRERA
Shot on my Ricoh XR-10 at 400 ISO. ANDRE S HERRERA
soaking in the saltwater Justin Mayer (@justnmaer on instagram)
Virginia Beach on 35mm (Nikon N65) Iain Laurence
Virginia Beach on 35mm (Nikon N65) Iain Laurence
Shot on a Mamiya RB67 Ross LaSalle
Shot on a Mamiya RB67 Ross LaSalle
Shot on Canon AE-1 Program Elisabetta Fox Piantoni @foxsanalogue
Shot on Canon AE-1 Program Elisabetta Fox Piantoni @foxsanalogue
Shot on Canon AE-1 Program Elisabetta Fox Piantoni @foxsanalogue
@shotwithchris on Instagram @shotwithchris
auburn and ivory Justin Mayer (@justnmaer on instagram)
pit stop Justin Mayer (@justnmaer on instagram)
night ride Justin Mayer (@justnmaer on instagram)
nostalgia Justin Mayer (@justnmaer on instagram)
Taken with my Canon AE-1 at night. Spencer Klein
Love the color shift. Taken with a Canon AE-1 Spencer Klein
Fraser Gough
Yashica Mat 124g long exposure @800 Hamza Sezgin (@highfidelityart on Instagram)
Shot with a Hasselblad 500cm Lance Smith (@patienceandhustle on instagram)
Snake skin Noah Richter
Here’s a photo of my homie Caleb Sugai skating a high school in Hawaii. (800T) Quon Poole-McAroy