Bright/white/reflective scenes like this can often trick a light meter because they will read brighter than what they really are which can result in an underexposed photo. That’s why this shot was overexposed by 1 stop while metering in-camera with a Canon Elan 7. The amazing thing is that this photo could’ve been shot 2 more stops brighter and the highlights still wouldn’t have blown out. This is because the Kodak Portra 400 has such great exposure latitude 🙌🏼. See the original Instagram post

Metering is one of the most important aspects of film photography. A properly exposed photo will yield the best results–but what is good exposure and how do you get it? It all depends on the film you’re shooting, the light you’re shooting in, and the look you want. There are many types of meters and metering techniques. Read metering techniques for film photography post to learn more

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