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TDR Lab Image
Love working with this film. It has a wide latitude, nice contrast with sharp edges. Chris Anderson
yashica mat 124g + Tmax 400 Dallas Rexrode
nyc skyline on tmax 400 in 120 Dallas Rexrode
1934 Zeiss-Ikon Ikonta, yellow filter, f/11 @ 1/100 sec. Humboldt County, California David Kaftal
NYC on tmax 400+canon ae1 Dallas Rexrode
NYC on tmax 400+canon ae1 Dallas Rexrode
Taken w/ Mamiya MSX 1000 & Mamiya 55mm 1.8 @ 5.6 Andrew Karmun
T-Max 400 shot with a Mamiya MSX 1000 with Mamiya/Sekor 55mm F1.8 @ F8. Andrew Karmun
Old Willys. Kodak Retina Ib camera, Kodak Tmax 400 film and caffenol developer. paul garger
Chloe on 400 tmax 120mm Hannah Weinstein
Cold Wind and Rain, Lake Michigan. Nikon FE2, Nikkor 35mm 2.8 Ais M Olinger
A local tavern that’s been in business for over 115 years. Scan of a darkroom print. Shot with... Tom Stone
A tree grows in Brooklyn (shot on Olympus Stylus 120) @lindy___c
Kusama’s “Dancing Pumpkin” in NYBG (shot on Olympus Stylus 120) @lindy___c
Shot with a Kodak Retina IIIc plus a K2 yellow filter for added contrast. James M. Peak
Shot with a Kodak Retina IIIc plus a K2 yellow filter for added contrast. James M. Peak
Scanned print. Very good contrast and fine grine for a 400 speed film. Carlos Lee
Scanned print Carlos Lee
Beaver activity in the UW-Madison Arboretum. Tom Stone
Some dudes smiling for the camera. Tmax is perfect for portraits if you want that sharpness! Shot on... 21 Frames
Looking over the great lawn of Central Park. Shot on a Yashica Electro 35 21 Frames
A moody portrait taken within the hidden trails of Central Park. Look at the exposure latitude Tmax ... 21 Frames
A city-scape showcasing highlights and shadows… check out the Freedom Tower! Shot on a Yashica... 21 Frames
A little composition showing Tmax’s ability to have beautiful highlights and shadows in one im... 21 Frames
A skater taking a break at the skate park. Shot on a Yashica Electro 35 21 Frames
A pigeon surveying the floor for food. Shot on a Yashica Electro 35 21 Frames
Zenza Bronica EC, 75mm Nikkor, f2.8, box speed Scott